Immuno-Oncology 2022

Immuno-Oncology 2022

9th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

9th Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference

Spatial Biology US

Spatial Biology US

Spatial biology without compromises: tissue morphology preservation and efficient antibody elution

Easy assay development for multiplex immunofluorescence

Develop assays while preserving tissue morphology in multiplex immunofluorescence experiments with COMET™

Develop assays while preserving tissue morphology in multiplex immunofluorescence experiments with COMET™

EACR 2022 Annual Meeting

EACR 2022 Annual Meeting

Spatial Biology EU 2022

Spatial Biology EU 2022

EMBO Workshop 2022

EMBO Workshop 2022

Development of a multiplex assay for prediction of immunotherapy response in metastatic melanoma patients

Development of a multiplex assay for prediction of immunotherapy response in metastatic melanoma patients