High-parameter assay and analysis pipelines
Francois Rivest, Ph.D.
Team Leader Application Development
Dr. François Rivest obtained his Ph.D. in Bioengineering and Biotechnology from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), working on microfluidic technologies, in vitro 3D tumor models, and cancer immunotherapy involving clinical and international collaborations. He is now leading the team of hyperplex panel and reagent development at Lunaphore.
- A guided bi-directional workflow tailored for setting phenotypes with continuous QC and review of results
- Powerful pre-trained nuclear detection APPs for multiplex immunofluorescence and IMC (imaging mass cytometry).
- Easy-to-use channel management tools to QC images and review biomarker localization. Group your channels of interest in multiple meaningful 7-color channel groups to quickly toggle between panels.
- An advanced interactive Data Exploration and QC toolbox including, t-SNE, Scatter and Box-plotting capabilities
David Mason
Senior Technical Sales Specialist
David Mason is a senior technical specialist in advanced imaging and image analysis. He has an academic background, having been trained in cell biology, Microbiology and Immunology. He currently applies his expertise in multiplex phenotyping and deep learning applications to support the european sales team at Visiopharm.
- Interactive visualization and computational analysis of high-dimensional immunofluorescence slide microscopy imaging data for cancer research and molecular cancer diagnostics
- Combination of human expert annotation, machine learning-based computer vision, and spatial statistics for quantitative single-cell analysis to describe and model patterns of immune cell infiltrates and interactions between individual cells in spatial tissue context
- Discovery and development of quantitative tissue imaging biomarkers for molecularly targeted therapy and immunotherapy
Markus D. Herrmann, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School & Director of Computational Pathology
Massachusetts General Hospital