
International Spatial Biology Congress

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July 6-7

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Booth #1

Meet Lunaphore

Join us in Rotterdam for the International Spatial Biology Congress.

Meet our scientists on site and discover our universal, end-to-end spatial biology solution, answering the needs of the scientific community from early discovery to late-stage translational and clinical research.

Our solutions allow you to minimize validation challenges and move fast from biomarker discovery to translational research.

Want to know more about our spatial biology solutions? Send us a message and secure a meeting with the team.

The International Spatial Biology Congress returns to The Netherlands, and brings together over 20 presentations and interactive discussions to dive deeper into the latest spatial technologies and research. It will explore how using spatial multi-omics advances the discovery of novel molecular insights in oncology, immunology, neurology, and infectious disease, as well as the future opportunities of this rapidly developing field.

Presentations featuring ground-breaking research will show how spatial information is generated for the most complex systems, and how these can translate into future research and clinical intervention opportunities. There will be opportunities to discover the latest computational techniques, understand the importance of high-quality spatial data, and explore Spatial Multi-omics applications for the tumour microenvironment.

July 6


July 6

3:00 - 3:15 PM CET

  • Discover how to overcome the complexity and technical barriers of spatial biology with Lunaphore’s high-throughput hyperplex solutions. 
  • Learn how to detect 40 biomarkers with COMET™ in a fully automated manner to characterize the tissue microenvironment at a single-cell level. 
  • Explore the cellular microenvironment with HORIZON™, an intuitive and user-friendly software, designed for hyperplex immunofluorescence images.  


Erica Geneletti

Erica Geneletti

Product Manager

Lunaphore Technologies

Poster Presentation

Poster #28

Background: The tumor microenvironment (TME) consists of malignant cells and supporting non-malignant cellular and non-cellular components that form the tumor stroma. The tumor stroma plays an important role in tumor progression and has emerged as a modulator of anti-tumor immunity (Salmon et al., Nat Rev Cancer 2019) and responses to therapy (Hirata and Sahai, Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2017). As such, several therapeutic approaches have recently been developed to target stromal cells as anti-cancer treatments (Valkenburg et al., Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2018, Bejarano et al., Cancer Discov 2021). In addition, the composition of the TME has been recognized as a prognostic factor for survival in cancer patients (Pagès et al., Oncogene 2011). Current protein-based approaches to characterize and better understand the cell composition of the tumor stroma face many limitations such as reagent availability and lengthy protocols. In this study, we identified a list of 22 markers to characterize non-tumoral immune cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells in the TME, in a single tissue slide. We propose an approach that overcomes reagent incompatibility and opens new avenues of research of tumor stroma. 

Method: Multiorgan Tumor Microarray (TMA) was interrogated with a sequential immunofluorescence (seqIF™) panel encompassing protein markers enabling characterization of TME. A 22-plex panel was created based on expanding an already established 13-plex panel (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD11c, CD20, CD45, CD56, CD68, aSMA, FoxP3, Ki67, PD1, PD-L1) by adding 9 additional antibodies (CD11b, CD14, CD31, CD47, CK, FAP, LaminB1, SIRPα, Vimentin). Hyperplex immunofluorescent staining was performed using automated staining-imaging COMET™ platform generating ome-tiff images containing 25 layers: DAPI, 2 autofluorescent and 22 marker channels. Postprocessing of images was done with HORIZON™ image analysis software. 

Results: We established a panel of 22 markers that can be analyzed simultaneously on a single tissue slide despite limited variability in primary antibody species. Using seqIF™ protocol allowed the study of colocalization and co-expression of markers not compatible to study simultaneously in the traditional immunofluorescence approach. Our hyperplex data revealed distinct composition of the stromal compartment between different tumor types, highlighting high heterogeneity in the tissue composition and stromal architecture.  

Conclusion: COMET™ platform enabled studying in detail TME components and highlighted heterogeneity of tumor stroma across different tissue types. SeqIF™ protocol lifted the limitation imposed by same species antibodies and allowed simultaneous interrogation of markers’ expression preserving their spatial relationship. 


Erica Geneletti

Erica Geneletti

Product Manager

Lunaphore Technologies

Poster #2

Myocardial infarction (MI) – commonly known as a heart attack – is one of the most prevalent cardiovascular conditions across Europe and contributes to approximately 20% of deaths. The local inflammation of the site where the myocardium dies triggers an intricate chain reaction following an infarct. Recent studies have highlighted the significance of tissue inflammation during the acute phase of MI, which plays a vital role in the healing process that follows, after experiencing a heart attack. Here, we investigated the cellular immune landscape and changing microenvironments during the acute phase of MI using novel spatial transcriptomics (Molecular Cartography by Resolve Bioscience) and highly multiplexed antibody-based imaging (Lunaphore COMET system) technologies. We evaluated several approaches for cell segmentation and established computational pipelines to process and quantify both transcriptomics and antibody-based imaging modalities in cardiac tissue. Our results reveal novel infiltration routes of immune cells (monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils) into the infarct tissue and highlight the role of the changing cellular microenvironment during the acute phase of MI.


Florian Wünnemann, Ph.D.

Florian Wünnemann, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Computational Biomedicine and Institute of Pathology

University Hospital Heidelberg, Schapiro Group

Florian Wünnemann is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Computational Biomedicine, University Hospital Heidelberg, under the guidance of Dr. Denis Schapiro. Utilizing single-cell as well as spatial omics technologies, Florian aims to unravel the molecular basis of human diseases, particularly in the realm of cardiovascular health. During his Postdoc, in the Schapiro group, his focus is on developing bioinformatic pipelines for spatial omics analysis to better understand immune cell infiltration during acute myocardial infarction.